NGC 5286 Located in the direction of Centaurus and very close in the sky to the naked eye star M Cen, it lies about 35,900 ly from Earth and a roughly similar distance from the galactic centre. Mass is around 7.1x105 solar masses. It is one of the older globular clusters associated with our galaxy, may harbour an intermediate-mass black hole at its centre and is believed to be what remains of a merged dwarf galaxy. Classified as V (intermediate concentrations) on the Shapley-Sawyer globular cluster concentration scale (1927).
Camera: | SBIG STL11000M, Astrodon filters | Scope: | Takahashi TOA-130, f=1000mm, f7.7, fov=1.0° x 0.7° |
Mount: | Takahashi EM-200 Temma 2 | Guiding: | internal |
Filters/Exposures: | R:G:B = 15:9:9 ≡ 33m | Location: | ASV's LMDSS, Lady's Pass, Victoria, Australia |
Date: | August 2023 | Processing: | CCDStack2, RegiStar and Photoshop CS5 |