NGC 4372 Located in the direction of Musca not far from the Dark Doodad, which can be seen to the lower left. It lies about 19,000 ly, has a mass of around 4.3x105 solar masses and is classified as XII (almost no concentration towards the centre) on the Shapley-Sawyer globular cluster concentration scale (1927).
Camera: | SBIG STL11000M, Astrodon filters | Scope: | Takahashi TOA-130, f=1000mm, f7.7, fov ~1.0° x 0.7° |
Mount: | Takahashi EM-200 Temma 2 | Guiding: | external, E-finder |
Filters/Exposures: | R:G:B = 16:16:16 ≡ 48m | Location: | ASV's LMDSS, Lady's Pass, Victoria, Australia |
Date: | June 2016 | Processing: | CCDStack2, RegiStar and Photoshop CS5 |