Comet Lemmon

Officially known as C/2012 F6 (Lemmon), it was discovered on 2012 March 23 on photographs taken using the 1.5m reflector at the Mt Lemmon Survey on the summit of Mt Lemmon, Arizona, USA.

Into March 2013 it was well-placed for observation in the evening sky for southern observers, when, during the pre-perihelion brightening phase it became just visible to the naked eye under dark skies (peaking at 5th mag). It was a splendid object viewed in binoculars or a small telescope having a bright turquoise-coloured coma and fine whispy ion tail extending several degrees.


Photographed from Rickett's Point  (bayside metropolitan Melbourne) against the stars of Phoenix on 2013 March 4 when around 6th magnitude; Canon 5D II/500mm lens combination on a mount tracking the sky. Note the ion tail stretching a few degrees towards upper left.

Photographed under darker skies from Heathcote, Victoria, against the stars of Phoenix on 2013 March 8 when around 6th magnitude; equipment as above. Thin high clouds passed through during the exposures. Note there may be a tail dislocation event in progress. 

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