The Witch's Head Nebula, IC 2118

- an interesting mix of reflection and emission nebulosity created by the high energy radiation of Rigel just out of the frame on the upper right; distance around 800 ly


Camera: SBIG STL11000M, Astrodon filters Lens: Takahashi TOA-130 f/5.6 (fov 2.8°x2.0° approx)
Mount: Takahashi EM-200 Temma2 Guiding: external, e-finder
Filters/Exposures: LRGB: 150:50:50:50 mins (bin 1x1) = 5h Location: Little Desert Lodge, Nhill, Victoria, Australia
Dates: November 2010 Processing: CCDStack2, Mira AL8 and Photoshop CS5