The Lagoon Nebula, M8, in the light of Hydrogen Alpha

A deep look at the Lagoon Nebula in the light of Ha, taking advantage of the very high contrast that narrowband filter imaging provides. The dynamic range has been compressed substantially to bring out the faint outlying nebulosity, the detailed structures within the nebula and the numerous dark "Bok Globules", regions where stars are currently being formed. Distance 4100 ly.


Camera: SBIG STL11000M, Astrodon filters Scope: Takahashi TOA-130, f=1000mm, f7.7+flattner (fov ~1.2° x 1.0°)
Mount: Takahashi EM-200 Temma2 Guiding: external, E-finder
Filters/Exposures: Ha = 120min (bin1x1)2h0m Location: ASV's Leon Mow Dark Sky Site, Heathcote, Victoria, Australia
Dates: August 2014 Processing: CCDStack2, RegiStar and Photoshop CS5