The Eagle Nebula (M16) A star-forming region located about 5700 ly away in the direction of Serpens containing a young star cluster of roughly 8000 stars in a wealth of diffuse Ha emission. Its common name is derived from the appearance of the dark nebulosity that intrudes into a field of emission nebulosity. |
Camera: | SBIG STL11000M + Astrodon filters | Scope: | Takahashi TOA-130, fl = 1000mm at f7.7 cropped to ~1.0°x0.7° |
Mount: | Takahashi EM-200 Temma2 | Guiding: | external E-finder |
Filters/Exposures: | HaRGB: 20:30:20:20 min = 1h50m | Location: | ASV's LMDSS, Lady's Pass, Australia |
Date: | October 2010 | Processing: | CCDStack, Mira AL8, Photoshop CS5 |