Nhill and surrounding area

A regular trip away in October/November is the annual VicSouth Star Party at the Little Desert Lodge, south of Nhill. Not only are the skies clear and not light polluted, but the area gives much opportunity to enjoy the flora and fauna of this normally arid region of Victoria. The female hooded robin was an unexpected find at the Lodge whilst the crested pigeons and kangaroos were approachable. The other birds were found within an hour's drive of Nhill.

Here are some of the species observed in the area.


Striated Thornbill Dusky Woodswallows Black-shouldered Kite Black-tailed Native-hen flock Crested Pigeon
Hooded Robin (f) Eastern Ringneck Horsfield's Bushlark Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Diamond Firetail
Scarlet Robin (m) Australian Pipit Jacky Winter Masked Woodswallow Weebill
Peaceful Dove White-browed Woodswallow


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Images © Russell Cockman