Total Lunar Eclipse 2007 August 28

This total eclipse was visible around the Pacific rim and was visible in its entirety from Eastern Australia. For Melbourne the eclipse received much publicity and many attended eclipse parties and other organised events to view this colourful phenomenon of Nature. Timings: 1st contact (with umbra) 18:50; 2nd contact 19:54; 3rd contact 21:21; 4th contact 22:22; mid eclipse 20:35. My first total lunar eclipse viewed since 9th January 2001.

From the southern suburbs of Melbourne progress to totality was obscured by cloud which rapidly cleared allowing an uninterrupted view from mid totality to eclipse end. A nice feature of the eclipse were the occultations of a number of field stars.

Here's a few images produced by eyepiece projection into a Nikon CoolPix 4500 digital camera:

Taken at 20:46 (local time)

Taken at 21:19. The top right edge of the Moon is brightening rapidly.

Taken at 22:08


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