C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) was discovered by Gordon Garradd at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia, on four images obtained on 2009 August 13. The comet achieved a maximum solar elongation of 149° on 2011 August 8 and will be closest to Earth on 2012 March 5 (1.27 AU).

Details about the discovery and other information can be found here.  For up-to-date information about comets past, present and future, go to Michael Mattiazzo's Southern Comet Homepage.


Imaged on 2011 August 28 against the stars of Sagitta, when near M71 (upper right); one of a series of 60sec exposures at ISO800, using a Canon 450DH camera and 300mm f/2.8 lens on a Synta NEQ-6 mount tracking the stars; field of view 1° x 0.7° approx, N to top.
A series of 44x60sec exposures at ISO800, using a Canon 450DH camera and 300mm f/2.8 lens on a Synta NEQ-6 mount tracking the stars; field of view 1° x 0.7° approx, N to top. Images were aligned on the comet nucleus, star trailing indicates the comet's motion against the stars over the 45 minute duration of the series.
Imaged on 2011 September 25. A series of 15x90sec exposures stacked on the comet's head. The star trailing clearly displays the comet's motion against the fixed stars in only 22 minutes.

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