29th - 31st October 2003 Storm This is the stuff that dreams are made of! Two extremely powerful Earth-directed explosions from sunspot number 10486, one X-17, the other X-10 class, pummelled the Earth's magnetosphere into submission on the nights of the 29/30 and 30/31 October creating beautifully detailed, vibrant, colourful all-sky auroras in clear skies over Scotland. Magnificent coronas tinged with reds, greens and whites waxed and waned overhead, sheets of green curtain filled the northern half of the sky and the intensity of the reds and greens (with tints of blues and purples) at times was truly awesome. The problem was- where to look now- as there was so much going on that there was always something being missed. These were displays that observers will wax lyrically about for many years to come. The intensity of the reds around 0100 on the 31st left me speechless! Here are some of my images taken during these nights.