21st August 2003

Solar wind gusts from a coronal hole buffeted the Earth's magnetosphere on the 21st August 2003.  Magnetic conditions were favourable producing a brief, but attractive display. The weather almost got in the way, but clear skies moving in from the west allowed for an almost uninterrupted view at a location to the east of Edinburgh, with clear views to the north over the Firth of Forth.

What the the eye saw was a distinct greenish, and actively pulsing, arc in the north which sprouted numerous white beams reaching an altitude of 30° at times. These continually waxed and waned over the period of the display (22:50 - 23:55 UT). 

During the display we saw a lovely yellow crescent moon rise in the NE and brilliant Mars dominate in the south. Overhead the beautiful Milky Way through Cygnus shone brightly.

Here's a few of my images that featured in a Spaceweather.com aurora gallery.


Clearing cloud allows some strong beams to shine through; 30s exposure onto Fuji Superia 800 print film.

Clear skies and the full extent of the display is apparent; conditions as above.

Several attractive beams highlight the display. The Plough is upper left.


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