2023 March 24 (local Melbourne time)

A large coronal hole allowed a strong solar wind stream to interact with the Earth's magnetic field leading to very strong (G-4) geomagnetic storm conditions. During Melbourne daytime, Kp reached 8 and 7-6 persisted into the twilight after sunset in largely clear skies. However, the best had passed for southern Victoria, though New Zealand and southern Tasmania fared better due to their more favourable locations. From Tooradin, just the faintest of glows could be seen visually which coloured red in the camera. Rather disappointing, given the high expectations arising out of the negative Bz and Dst values at the time.

Here's two for the record.


20:36 AEDT, looking south, the EMU is rising and reddish glows are reaching into the sky below it. The Southern Cross is at 9 o'clock and the remains of evening twilight persist to the SSW. Canon 5D II + 14mm f2.8 lens at f4, 15secs, ISO1000.

21:18h AEDT, looking south, twilight has faded, the EMU has risen further and reddish glows hug the southern horizon. The Large, and Small, Magellanic Clouds are due South. Canon 5D II + 14mm f2.8 lens at f4, 30secs, ISO2000.


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