17th June 2012

The large active sunspot AR1504 unleashed a long-duration M1 class flare on the 13th June and repeated the act on the 14th. The particle shock wave struck Earth midday 16th (UT) and continued to buffet the Earth's magnetic field into the 17th where Kp hit 5-6 (storm).

Skies were clear so I went to my favourite site at Rickett's Point to see if there was any visible activity. There were definite weak glows in the south above a cloud bank which showed as green in photographs. In addition there were red glows above and mobile short red arcs.

These images taken between 11:33UT and 13:42UT.


11:34UT, an active display in progress displaying a green arc, red glow and several short red beams. 14mm f2.8 lens at f3.2, 30sec exposure, ISO400.

11:35UT, just one minute later there have been significant changes to the aurora's structure. Image details as above.

12:56UT, the green glow has intensified and a couple of weak red beams have formed. Image details as above.
13:05UT, a brief burst of activity showing several rays emerging from the green arc low to the south


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