3rd January 2003

Solar wind gusts from a coronal hole buffetted the Earth's magnetosphere on the 3rd January leading to a short-lived, but pretty, display. I had travelled to my favourite site to observe the quadrantid meteor shower with fellow observers on the night of the 3rd/4th January. On the way I noted that there was a distinct greenish auroral arc low in the north. In the hours that followed a diffuse auroral glow persisted in the north and north east which rapidly became active around midnight with development of beaming. The display only lasted a few minutes- just enough time to take a few shots. Sadly, no meteors appeared in the fields of view during the exposures. It was a clear and very cold night, the aurora was an added bonus and fitting reward for our patience and tolerance.

Here's two of my images taken around midnight on the 3rd January 2003.

030103aurora2vsm.jpg (3702 bytes)

A view of the greenish arc, reddish glow and reddish patches projecting upwards. Deneb is the bright star lower centre just above the trees.

030103aurora1vsm.jpg (4045 bytes)

Another view. Deneb is middle bottom and the head of Draco is centre right.


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